
How To Learn English

If you want to learn a language, you need to get used to it ← I think so.

many English classes in Japan ask you to memorize dictionary definitions or Japanese translations and do not encourage you to get used to words in the manner that I have described above. I believe that this is one of the most serious problems with English education in Japan today.
That's true!
When I was a high school student, My English teacher told us same things. While I'd been to Australia I thought that "I dont know how can I say... my English doesn't work...though I've studied English since I was a junior high school student.. It's nosense!"
I think Japanese too much worry about form and grammar at the first stage.
英単語力があれば良いに越したことはないですが、普段の日常生活の中で使うほとんどの言葉は決まり文句で、文全体が一セットになっています。だから、don't worry を do/not/worry と分ける必要はないのです。don't worry で一つの言葉、音の流れで覚えればいいと思います。

overemphasize:~を過度に強調する Grammar is often overemphasized.
sufficient:十分な、足りる $100 will be sufficient for your trip. /Add just sufficient milk.
fairly:公正に、公平に fairly priced goods / be fairly treated
gradually: だんだんと、次第に The storm has gradually abated.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Very good!! I really appreciate your comments. You have done this in just the right way!

  2. Hi Mr. Masden:-) thank you for your comment!
    I'm sorry I was late.. I went to take my picture for my job interview. Anyway...Next time, I will be here on time.

  3. No problem. I hope you have good luck finding a job.
